So what's the latest change? The tables at the reception, of course. I've been wavering back and forth and at our venue walkthru last Friday, I wanted to have a decision made~ so here it is:
Obviously not the best picture but you can see we are going with the venue's white tablecloths, my purple runners and damask squares along with black napkins (one is folded on the left side with our candy bag sticking out)
Final decision? Yep, locked in. I think the purple pops so much more against the white, and project 862 looks much better too. Project 862 is my newest torture device, which is sticking black trim around all 4 sides of the damask squares. Looks sharp though doesn't it? I totally love it even though it is so much different than the original plan. But I've strayed so far from the original plan, who really cares? And as seen in the picture, all the paper flowers are done and boxed in their vases ready to go. And the kids bags are all put together (minus the last minute goldfish baggies we will have to throw in there so they don't get stale if we got them ready now!) and in this super cute matching bag:
These turned out cute, I hope the kids like them! =) Now I need to figure out how to make sure the kids know to grab one...Any ideas?
So what else have I been doing the past few weeks (after my finals of course, cause before those I was too busy to sleep!) ?? Take a gander at my living room:
Yep, that's my house. and I couldn't even get far enough away to see the bags packed on the other side of the cutouts on the left! I think I have some organizing to do...
Any other changes? But of course, you think one new project is enough? I finally figured out the aisle decor at the ceremony~ still sticking with the idea of pomanders, but staying a little non traditional and using purple felt (to match the bouquets!) Now I had no idea what a pomander even was before wedding world, and mine are imperfect just like me, but here are 3 completed ones:
They will hang on the side of the pew to decorate the aisle, either every 2 or 3 pews, depends on how many I get done! There are 24 pews on each side, split in half with a walkway, so I have a few options for the layout. For now, I'm just trying to find all the felt I need and cutting away at these circles. As opposed to the dreaded squares from the paper flowers, these are 4" circles cut out of the felt, which I have to say is not really any easier. But the folding/gluing is SO much easier!! Let me know what you guys think of these babies and also when you can come help me trace circles and cut out felt!!
One more question I would love some feedback on here is jewelry. I'm not a huge jewelry person, and I'm finding it hard to decide on wedding day accessories. Is this because I have no sense of style and matching? Possibly. Also possible I am an obsessive bride to be who can't make a decision on anything...Either way, I am having doubts about the jewelry I loved with the first dress and if it actually works with the new dress! So I bought some new earrings to play around with and these are my fav so far; what do you think? The plan would be wear these bigger earrings and no necklace:
And they were only $7 at Kohls, much better than the $50 earrings I was checking out online...
I will leave you with one last piece of eye candy~ I bought this little dish to hold my jewelry (whichever I end up with!) while getting ready the day of and I'm totally in love with it. Can't wait to see it in pictures =)