Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sad day...

It is a sad day here in wedding land, as the shoe I always wanted became the shoe I can't walk in...Yes its true, my lovely purple shoes I put a pic of in a previous post are not going to be my wedding shoes.  I'm holding out that I can wear them to the rehearsal, but we'll see!  I told Caurie and her mom tonight that if I do wear them, maybe I can get my fall out of the way and then I won't have to worry about it on the actual wedding day!  I will miss you, my perfect shoes, and I will practice to wear you someday as I just can't seem to return you just yet...
And now my search for wedding shoes continues, purple or ivory?  Low heel or high? Is there a shoe that is comfortable and not too "bridal"?? 

1 comment:

  1. My shoes will be here on wed(pending snow I'm sure grr!) We will see what happens. If they are made well they should be okay, but like you said they may be rehearsal shoes haha. I will begin my hunt again for you and me this time!
